Advent I

Advent began again yesterday and, with it, the retelling of a story that never gets old.

The day before the days

before winter’s satin gloss,

driftwood glimpses neatly hide away in

a gathering pageantry.

Tightly tucked in folds

of ancient wind with pockets out-

turned, falls the Fall,

fallen…and begins a new tale.

Heaven’s sudden smile, casts

a long and shattering light

on the darkening days –

bringing the iron-gilded hope

of dawn’s new Dawn.


Picture found here

November – A Poem a Day (finale)

Our Own Now

It is left to time and chance

this risk of memory and loss.

I doff my cap to my own history

while learning presence in present tense.

Swept along the brisk and roiling

river of time, we can watch ourselves

on the shores of our own lives

wishing we were on the other side

or maybe in the water,

going the other direction.

Maybe it’s just good to stand

and look for awhile.

This much I know,

at least I see the river if only this once

and listen to it move

while I laugh a little on

this still ground.

November – A Poem a Day Challenge (day 27)

A Poem a Day

The wordsmith’s challenge: to produce a fully grown garden

in less than 24 hours. Plow down deep, furrough’d in sweat

and the searing summer sun baking whatever it touches.

Cast out fistfulls of seed into the shifting wind and coarse ground

where time and chance and powers above and below

cast out their wills or ills upon your tiresome toil.

An ankle turned, the back of the neck red, raw, pealing.

Old machines not meant for new work

retain their eccentricities despite your mechanical interloping.

Tender, anxious words spoken upon docile dirt,

your antediluvian blessing

meant to caress or careen a spark to light a fire all

too easily snuffed.

You trade your peace for her pregnancy.

Let loose your prayers for weather and time and the

vagaries of hope, if only to see once more

the perfection in a tiny handful of wheat.

Now, do it again tomorrow.

November – A Poem a Day (day 24)

Okay, so this is perhaps cheating. The purpose of #novemberpoemadaychallenge is to use the initiative as a means of producing original poetry. Granted. But, this is just so good, especially on American Thanksgiving weekend. I find this poem by Joy Harjo utterly transfixing and transformative. Much more happens at our tables than we care to admit or even recognize. Joy calls these things to mind in this remarkable piece. Enjoy.

November – A Poem a Day Challenge (Day 22)

At this point, the title of this challenge is, for me, a misnomer. I haven’t even come close to posting a poem a day. However, in an act of profound self-abasement and self-care, I humbly submit to you that we’ve moved into a new flat. Phew, monum explicandum out of the way, let’s just get on with it, shall we?

Day 22 –


The fragrance of a flower remains,

regardless of the address of her rootedness;

beauty intact, bees to groom her, admirers to

love her still attract. Her voluptuous shape

and symphonious aperture, from the mouths

of old and young alike, still yield a

satisfying, “aaaahhh.”

November – A Poem a Day Challenge (6, Day 11)

Day 11 –

My simple, but genuine, thank you to our life in Edinburgh…

A protrusion of gratitude

Cloaked in landscapes of light, remunerations

of remembrance brought clear in the rehearsing.

That literature of land partnered with time

makes for fragrant mornings in settings

of coal-kissed stone, unsullied

by lesser things.

No more exile here –

just a protrusion of gratitude.

November – A Poem a Day Challenge (Day 10)

One more

One more day to figure it out.

One more day to turn over the wrong tables

for the right reasons;

correct the wrongs spray-painted on crumbling walls,

the signposts of injustice.

One more day to find the right god,

tattooed on the arms wrapped around our latent lusts.

One more day to cry the tears meant for another,

for ourselves, for our children’s children, still gasping for

breath under the rubble of a thousand bad decisions.

One more attempt to set the bones,

broken, dislocated from too much heavy lifting

of things not our own.

One more song to sing, croaked out

to friend and foe, neighbour and fiend,

with words yet to come.

One more choice, to free, to find, to follow, to forget

what else might surely come.

One more day for one more day,

for one more.

November – A Poem a Day Challenge (4, Day 9)

Day 9 –

Lament – A Psalm About Faces

O Lord, God of faces, where now is your face?

And why have you hidden from us your gaze?

Where once we walked together,

now we thrash and reel and hack.

Darkness has become our only ally;

and hopelessness our truest friend.

For those of insolence and hatred rule over us;

the ruthless and ragged become our destroyer.

Therefore, falsehood and lies bind us;

and the absence of truth shackles us.

We have become party with wolves and savages,

those without conscience or care for the poor.

They lash out from behind empty eyes

to oppress the widow and orphan,

the immigrant and the voiceless.

All that is good, pleasing, and right is set aside;

truth and love are traded for lies and hate,

victim to the victimizers.

And through their shame have we become a byword,

a cause for mockery among the nations.

We hear them cry out in the streets,

and moan among the people of injustice against them.

But it is they who are unjust,

with lies have they clothed themselves.

How long, O Lord? How long must we watch our children caged,

and our future torn apart?

How much more treachery must we endure at their hands?

Save us, O God, from their filth;

release us from their grotesque machinations.

Turn your eyes toward us for we are weary and broken;

tearful and confused.

Find a place again among us where all that was good

can again be good; where the darkness again is dark.

Rise up, once more, gracious Lord, and be our protector;

the light behind our eyes,

the light behind our faces;

the face behind all faces.

For we are your people,

and you are our God.